The Orchestras

Lyrically Strings

Open to Anyone Ages 11 - 18

Instrumentation: Strings, Optional Percussion, and Piano

Yearly Registration Fee: $50 via PayPal or Cash

This registration fee will go towards new music and rental space costs for performances

Preparing each member for the journey into the Serenade Symphony, Lyrically Strings mainly focuses on arranged pieces of classical, baroque, romantic, and modern music that will broaden the musical horizon of players knowledge.

Rehearse alternating Saturday’s from 10:00 - 11:30

Check out “Calendar” for more rehearsal info

Serenade Symphony

Open to Anyone Ages 14+

Instrumentation: Strings, Woodwind, Brass, and Percussion

Yearly Registration Fee: $50 via PayPal or Cash

This registration fee will go towards new music and rental space costs for performances

This orchestra will perform original and arranged pieces of musical literature that will range in difficulty and length, while catching the ears of musicians and listeners alike.

Rehearse alternating Saturday’s from 12 - 2

Check out “Calendar” for more rehearsal info