Playing Levels:

These are general guidelines to help assist you to decide which ensemble may best suite your playing ability.

Not every skill will be needed all at once, use this group as a way to learn anything you may not know!

  • 1 + 2 octave scales:

    Sharp keys: C, G, D, A

    Flat keys: F

    *Must Know* Positions:

    • Violin: 1st - 3rd

    • Viola: 1st - 3rd

    • Cello: 1st - 4th

    • Bass 1/2 - 3rd

  • Strings:

    2 octave major scales, 3 when possible:

    Sharp keys: C, G, D, A, E

    Flats: F, Bb, Eb, Ab


    • Violin & Viola: 1st - 4th

    • Cello: 1st - Thumb

    • Bass: 1st - Thumb

    Woodwinds & Brass:

    2 octave major scales, 1 when not physically possible:

    Sharp keys: C, G, D

    Flat keys: F, Bb, Eb, Ab


    General Understanding of Rudiments (Flam, Diddle, Paradiddle, etc.)

    Mallet instruments (Timpani separate):

    2 octave scales: C, G, D, A, F, Bb

    Timpani: Understanding of tuning and proper playing of the instrument